Identity & Branding

Take your tone.

Your way of expressing yourself, according to your mood, your interlocutor, or your objective is not linear, but despite these variations you remain recognizable, identifiable.
This constancy draws the contours of your personality and your character, because your words, your sentences, your stories, your thoughts and their intentions, spoken and written, are a substantial part of your being. The same goes for your brand.
It is to help you find that voice that our agency supports you in the creation of your editorial charter. A clear and comprehensive reference work allowing all of your contributors to speak with one voice, a personal and recognized voice.

Rencontrons nous et parlons-en.

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More than ever, your communication strategy will bring you to speak, to dialogue with your communities, or even to engage on subjects that make society. A significant part of your brand identity is now linked to your language. Your entire social branding is based on your editorial charter. It is the latter that defines the relationship you want to maintain with your community, your style, your temperament, as well as the image that you want to convey. It is therefore necessary to have clearly identified your target audience and to have clearly defined your communication objectives before speaking.

On the other hand, the vast majority of Internet users using search engines, it is wise to imagine an SEO strategy provided with dedicated lexical fields, judicious keywords and to compose, at the heart of your writings, a solid plan of mesh.

Like your logo and graphic design, the editorial charter is a major distinctive sign. Like your graphic charter, your editorial charter compiles various aspects of your semantic identity but also endeavors to describe the most suitable way to dispose of it.
Sweet Punk supports you in building solid foundations for your content strategy, as much on the definition of your editorial line as on your production processes.

We will help you to have a convincing speech thanks to relevant themes and communication angles, to choose an appropriate tone (technical or literary, laconic or developed, etc.). For each medium, we will advise you on the most suitable writing style, on the most harmonious compositions.
We will make sure that with regard to the medium, your speech is unique and impactful.

You should think bigger