A graphic identity to boost Supervised start-up
- Tech
- Identity / Branding
A start-up with everything it takes to win you over
While banking and finance organisations are increasingly using artificial intelligence to delegate tasks, they are also realising how important it is to manage them properly to ensure that they make the right decisions.
This is the niche that this B2B start-up is entering. Supervised offers a SaaS solution that guarantees the security and control of AI.
But this new player in Artificial Intelligence still needed a face.
Capitalise on a powerful, evocative name
Supervised evokes the notion of Supervised Learning, a well-known AI training system. It’s a promising name that we’ve capitalised on through the typography, to let the start-up’s technical expertise shine through.
Our safeguard throughout the project? To create a visual backdrop that would link Supervised to the world of finance while elevating it to the rank of leader in the field of AI governance.
Illustrate the notion of a framework around AI
It was the concept of AI supervision that we used to create a sober and effective brand identity.
The graphic charter created for the start-up evokes the duality between human and AI, which is governed by the Supervised solution. A balancing act between the roundness and softness that illustrate the human aspect and the technical and expert aspect of AI.
This interplay of mirrors and interweaving was our guiding principle throughout the graphic decision-making process.