
Connected and event objects: bringing people and digital together.



Popular culture often associates digital with dematerialization and, by extension, withdrawal and the impoverishment of human ties. As digital conquers new territories and interferes in our lives, we tend to think that the real world is hiding from the virtual.

Web 3.0 is going to be a game changer today. The Internet of Things represents a huge opportunity for immersion, promising an alternative of choice to classic digital. Thanks to connected objects, reality will be able to reclaim digital.

Digital can now be a vector for meetings, social ties and interaction. Connected objects give way to the human who was hiding behind the data.

The event industry, where we welcome all of the physical user, is the most promising sector in relation to these new perspectives. Event systems must therefore take these new challenges into account and reinvent themselves to welcome the creative dimension of digital with open arms and evolve with it.

The era of “quantified-self”, a creative opportunity.

Appeared about ten years ago, Quantified Self is a practice of “self-measurement”. This involves collecting personal data about their health or physical activity in order to optimize their way of living and be more efficient. Your Apple Watch is a perfect example. In its beginnings, the quantified-self was a tool used in the personal fields of sport and medicine, it has meanwhile democratized to become a real marketing tool.

The trend of the quantified-self also induces a democratization of the connected object and an acceptance on the part of the general public. We notice this at sporting events, for example, with bracelets or connected t-shirts. A brand of sports equipment that sponsors a marathon could then “brand” the performances of the participants thanks to connected objects specially created for the occasion, a good way to generate UGC (user generated content) which comes directly from the Mark.

Data capture and ultra-personalization.

In 2017, we are no longer just trying to get to know our customers in the broadest sense, research is becoming individual, allowing brands to offer a tailor-made offer. For this, the RFID or Radiofrequency Identification technology makes it possible to trace the data of each individual.

Thanks to this device, the individual finds his unique character rather than being drowned in the mass. RFID uses radio frequency radiation to identify objects with labels when they pass near an interrogator. We could see this phenomenon during the SFR Live where the brand’s stand distributed RFID cards specific to each user allowing them to access a “instant winning” terminal to win gifts, a photo booth whose self-timer was triggered on contact from the chip, and access to 30 min of free Wi-Fi. All these tools made available to a target who will then communicate their most personal needs without even noticing.

Digital to physically reconnect men.

With the appearance of connected objects, society as we know it is called into question, particularly at the level of interactions between individuals. However, a paradox has been created, that of recreating a human link thanks to digital. A positive vision aiming to consider that digital can serve human relationships and not serve them.

The event music community seems convinced: the Belgian Tomorrowland festival has set up an electronic bracelet system allowing Facebook to add festival-goers that you come across.

And why not a LinkedIn equivalent to expand your network during a seminar or business event? Creativity seems to be the only limit when it comes to connected objects.

Interaction at the heart of tomorrow's events.

Connected objects are gradually democratizing and interaction is becoming the force of tomorrow's events: facilitating the experience of guests and increasing interactivity, making them actors and not just spectators.

However, there is a sine qua non condition for connected objects to contribute to the success of an event. You have to find a real meaning for the objects, put them at the heart of a concept and make them useful. This condition is crucial because therein lies the strength and seriousness to avoid the gadget effect.

Tactile and musical poster

Is print a bit old-fashioned? It is time to change the game and give new meaning to this medium. This is the case for this connected poster which encourages interaction via an ultra intuitive mechanism which contributes to storytelling.

Coldplay connected LED bracelet.

Coldplay, the world famous pop-rock band, synchronized a whole crowd with connected and luminous wristbands. In this ingenious device, the public is an integral part of the show and helps to illuminate the concert.

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So Active

During Societe Generale’s So Actif operation, the whole body is connected thanks to the kinect. By dancing in front of the camera, the video projector projects corresponding movements performed by dancers: the user becomes at the same time the director, the artist and the set of the operation, he appropriates the scene.

Connected World

The guest influences his environment and shapes it according to his desires. This adds a playful experience to the heart of the event which does not follow a plot laid in advance but evolves with its audience.

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Connected showcase

The digital showcase becomes interactive and plays on the spectator’s emotions: surprise, curiosity, exploration … As many gestures of interaction as sensitive strings to exploit.

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The event becomes an artistic performance. Giant piano strings react to the touch of visitors and animate a sound and light show for a performance as interactive as it is dreamlike.

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