360° activation for students.
- Bank and insurance
- Activation / Campaign
- Awwwards
- CSS Design
- Top Com Consumer (Argent)
Societe Generale pushes the limits of tailor-made with the contest of the year.
Introducing a too busy target to take advantage of student life in banking issues.
Evenings, trips, studies, comfort, food … The concerns of students are many, but never concern banking issues! To remedy this, Societe Generale wishes to position itself as the bank that understands students and adapts to each of their needs.
Gamification to attract young people, ultra-personalization to involve them.
To capture such a volatile target, it was essential to offer an extraordinary experience. Through the game, we make students spectators but also actors of the device. Coupled with this desire to be playful, the ultra-personalization of the activation makes it possible to stay as close as possible to the complex expectations of the target.
Take care of your studies, we take care of the rest.
The Box All-Inclusive offers students to compose a tailor-made year, reflecting their needs. With more than fifty possible endowments, the user is invited into a full 3D universe to fill his personalized Box, Tetris-style, with the most appropriate solutions for his student life.
At the end of a draw, he will be able to win his Box, and all the endowments it contains, to live his ideal student year.
Get it right.
Depending on the endowments chosen, a profile is established which echoes the student’s interests. The strategic dissemination plan adapts to these profiles: Facebook retargeting, snack-content video, banners … the entire system is available in a series of advertisements designed to be as close as possible to the needs of the target.
- Over 900,000 visitors over the entire duration of the operation
- Almost 110,000 game registrations, a record!
- A total of 1000 #anneeallinclusive mentions on Twitter
- Building on the success of the campaign, 3 editions have emerged
Social media campaign

Announcements of the winners on live radio on Fun Radio.
A saga of films stages each type of student.
The campaign integrates video formats in the metro stations most frequented by students.
Game interface