
Valrhona offers an interactive digital experience at Christmas.

  • Food
  • Activation / Campaign

The Golden Ticket, a gourmet activation for magical and warm parties.

Situation & Challenge

For Christmas 2018, chocolate maker Valrhona has decided to present its values ​​and history to its network of professional customers and the general public. But how do you communicate with two different audiences during a busy period of communication?

Creative idea

“The Golden Ticket” is a 360 activation re-appropriating the tales of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory to highlight the know-how and history of Valrhona. Through an interactive map, users embark on a real digital quest strewn with anecdotes about the brand.

A bean every day. From December 1 to 25, a bean, placed in a strategic location for the brand (schools, plantations, headquarters) was available. Only by finding it, the user could participate in the day’s draw, ensuring that he returned to the site every day.

  •  66,247 participations in total
  • 15,751 unique emails collected
  • Average duration of sessions: 2min28s
  • Bounce rate <8%
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