Growth hacking

Getting on the starting blocks

The adventure of a new brand or product is full of pitfalls, but limiting them is possible. At Sweet Punk, we have a launch process based on lean methods to generate market response as quickly as possible, in order to limit investments.
Making the right decisions is essential, let us help you.

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At Sweet Punk, we have developed an offer specially designed for launches. Whether it is a brand launch or the creation of new products within an existing parent company.

This offer aims at sounding out the market to verify the relevance of the new concept, while limiting the investment, whether it is financial or temporal.

Going fast is essential when starting from scratch. Thus, our offer is based on lean start-up and growth hacking methods.

Among these methods, we have extracted two key concepts: the MVP and the MVB

The MVP, or Minimum Viable Product.

An MVP is a product or feature that allows a company to quickly test a product idea or concept with potential customers with a minimal investment of time and resources. The idea behind the MVP is to provide a basic version of the product that solves the customer’s main problem without including all the features or details. This allows companies to get feedback from their customers on whether their product idea is sound and can be developed further. The MVP is often used in Agile and Lean development methodologies, where the focus is on rapid and iterative product delivery. In short, the MVP is an effective tool for validating a product idea with reduced risk and investment.

MVB, or Minimum Viable Brand

The MVB is a concept similar to the Minimum Viable Product (MVP), but applied to brand building. Even in its infancy, a brand must be strong if it is to quickly become a household name. However, at launch, there’s no need to overdo it, you need to focus on the essentials and be efficient.

BVM is an approach that consists of building a basic brand with a minimal investment in time and resources, by focusing on the essential elements that define the brand. The focus is on key elements: logo, target audience and values. This approach allows companies to quickly test their brand with their target audience and get feedback on whether their brand is valuable and can be developed further. As with MVP, the focus is on rapid and iterative delivery, iterating and improving the brand based on customer feedback.

You should think bigger