Brand content

Words to cure ailments.

A brand's discourse grows with it. As it evolves, words and the way they express them change, mature, and refine. Speech and expression are organic in nature, and therefore changeable. At Sweet Punk we support you to readjust your speech, or even reinvent it, so that your speaking remains always impactful and identity, and this by taking up the new challenges of your brand.

Whether it's in the context of a restructuring, a repositioning or simply re-ordering the existing one, we make sure to give an editorial turn aligned with your ambitions without turning your back on who you were. For each editorial redesign, we carry out an audit and analysis phase of the existing one before starting writing. Regular workshops with our customers allow us to co-create a charter that perfectly meets their vision.

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The editorial charter is at the heart of your brand-content and the associated content strategy. Information is the sinews of war, and messages are powerful tools that need to be sharpened accordingly. If your speech is not mastered, relevant and original, then your brand is blurred in the mass. It is now important to differentiate yourself through innovative multimedia formats. To respond to the varied problems of your users, it is necessary to vary the formats and their messages. In doing so, your brand platform takes the risk of getting lost in incoherent, impersistent, even contradictory speeches. The editorial redesign makes it possible to establish an editorial charter which will guarantee the coherence of speaking, regardless of the medium: video, computer graphics, web documentary, blog article, etc. This involves bringing out a common narrative framework, specific to the brand rather than its means of expression.

To do this, we take all the content of your website to extract a clear statement and key messages, structure and prioritize them before giving them a new, more current, more digestible and accessible form that will capture the attention of the Internet user and will allow him to find the information sought in a limited number of clicks.

More generally, the editorial redesign questions, reposition and refresh the brand according to the context in which it operates. It emanates an editorial line which makes the subject clear and coherent, harmoniously integrated into the ergonomics of the website, with a defined editorial style which meets the writing standards for the web and for referencing.

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