Campaign & Activation

Make hearts beat and live on brands.

To conquer minds and make a difference, your brand must live and keep it alive. By listening to the public and the transformations it expects, each speech must be weighed and rich in meaning. This is the ambition supplement that we bring to you.
The hybridization of supports, networks, in real time, makes it possible to imagine a storytelled and controlled journey. To lead the public through the immensity of touch points, you have to dare a powerful and avant-garde approach.

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One of the major challenges facing brands today is digital transformation and its lasting evolution. Bringing brands to life, creating interactivity with consumers … in short, moving from mere presence to a real experience. Today, there are more contact points than ever: mobile application, web app, offline, social media, etc. To stand out from the crowd, just one watchword: interactivity. Your consumers are no longer content to be mere spectators. They want to take ownership of the latest digital activation, participate in it, follow you and give their opinion on mobile, explore, discover the brand differently.

From simple banner ads to the most complete mobile experience, everything can be reinvented if you take care to generate commitment and emotion. Our experiences in digital activation have taught us that in terms of engagement, the richness and accuracy of the experience remains at the heart of success.

By systematically placing interactivity at the heart of brand strategy, we design each experience with the idea of ​​leaving a mark in the mind of the consumer.

Understanding and analyzing targets allows the brand book to imagine the most relevant activations. The content is often plentiful and good orchestration, especially on social networks, is essential. Managing public engagement and community management, or PR, is an integral part of a successful campaign. From good insight, to the refinement of each parameter, everything is taken into account. Give the right message in the most appropriate box for a successful digital activation.

You should think bigger